Running out of food Seasick Bad weather Insufferable companions Repetitive, boring entertainment options Feeling unsafe aboard or ashore Missing friends and family Having the time of our lives New sights, marvels, or stimulation each day Excited anticipation for what is to come Arch selfie with volcano visible in Antigua, Guatemala Today is our beloved Captain Stig's last day as he goes home to Norway tomorrow after his replacement arrives on the first tender from Cabo San Lucas. Captain Stig announced today the Red Sea is too dangerous for our scheduled time there in mid-May, as I think we all recognized. However, the official itinerary changes will be announced February 16th. I'm personally hoping for a visit to Madagascar and South Africa. Captain Stig will rejoin us well after all that dust has settled. He is due to resume command in Trieste in late June. We're excited to see our friends from Los Angeles, Pauline and John, when they pick us up for l...